DG-Filer is a PC-shareware, that enables you to read the settings of your DG-amp via a midi-interface (sound- or midicard). You can also edit these data, store them to disk and reload or ovewrite these amp-settings.
do a backup of your amp-configuration to floppy or harddisk when ever you want to.
create different sound-setups for different styles of music (Jazz, Rock, Pop...).
manage different settings for different musicans that play your amplifier ( session, studio ).
create setups for special external effects and hardware that you are using.
exchange your sounds with other guitar player you know.
try sounds from other musicans ( for example via internet, from theYamaha-homepage).
save also the MIDI - and UTILITY-settings of your DG-amp.
do a copy of all data to disk before your dealer replaces the backup battery.
try and check out all the features and sounds of your DG-amp - if you have done a backup with this software you can undo all the changes you made in a few seconds.